PLR Sellers Add-On License
Want to use Joyful Creative Co. Graphics in products you sell as PLR?
With a PLR Seller's Add-On License
You CAN...
- Sell in a product with PLR or commercial rights as long as
- The graphics are flattened (no longer color changeable)
AND - The graphics terms (provided for you to pass on) are included with the customer’s purchase.
- The graphics are flattened (no longer color changeable)
- Sell or give away the original files (PNG graphics or Canva templates)
- Sell or give away the images with ability to change colors
- Upload to marketplaces such as Creative Market, Creative Fabrica, Design Bundles, etc.
- Claim copyright to the graphics
What's Included?
I make this as easy as possible for you by including...
- Exact wording for you to include with your PLR products. Just copy and paste the Graphics Terms and you are good to go!
* Each PLR Seller’s Add-On License is good for 1 graphics collection.
* Please Note: Price per license varies based on the number of graphics in each collection.
Get Your Add-On Licenses Here
Please note- you must buy the Graphics Packs separately. These are Add-On Licenses.
See a collection you like? Purchase it in the Shop, then buy your Add-On license.